Need DC area and East Coast UUs!
Need DC area and East Coast UUs! Red Road to DC Totem Pole Journey coming to DC July 29-31!!!! My name is Deb Cruz and I am the President of JUUstice Washington (UU State Action Network) and a member of the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship in Bellingham, WA calling for...
Summer Update!
Summer Update! Rev. John Crestwell, Jr., Minister Hello UUCA, Happy Summer! It's hot! I want to update you on a number of things. First, this has been a difficult time of illness and death for so many and we are all still grieving many losses...
We Are Reopening!
Dear UUCA, We are excited to share with you our updated reopening plans! As circumstances change, these plans will be continuously updated, so please visit our website if you need our most current information. For more information, please click below: How to Reserve...
Special Congregational Meeting June 20, 2021
Special Congregational Meeting June 20, 2021 by Jane Carrigan, Board of Trustees President Dayna Edwards, a UUCA member, and former staff person, has completed seminary and has been granted preliminary Fellowship by the UUA, qualifying her for ordination. Her close...
Staffing changes in Faith Formation
Staffing changes in Faith Formation by Julie Burman, Director of Faith Formation I am excited to share with you the staffing changes in Faith Formation; Thank you and Farewell to Betsy Betsy is resigning as the Faith Formation Assistant at the end of June. She will...
Meet Your Stewards
Meet Your Stewards by Rev. Anastassia Zinke, Minister We are putting relationships at the heart of UUCA, including in our stewardship work; as part of this, your Stewardship Captain will be your first point of contact. Pam Ausiello, our finance director, will be...
Greetings by Jane Carrigan Greetings all. I am so pleased to be elected the President of UUCA. Our new Board is ready to get to work and build on the good work that previous Boards have initiated. The new Board consists of Jenn Pollitt-Hill,...
Pastoral Message from Rev. John
Hello UUCA, I wanted to update you on three things related to pastoral care. First, given the tragic state of our nation and the rampant injustices toward BIPOC, I am making myself available on Mondays and Fridays for private pastoral care. Please email me if you need...
Thank You, and Welcome!
Thank You, and Welcome! By Heather Millar, President This is my final blog as UUCA President. It has been a tremendous honor to serve this significant institution on the Board for the last 6 years, 3 as secretary and 3 as president. I have been a member of UUCA...
GA, Join Us!
GA, Join Us! By Heather Millar, President Every year in late June UUs gather from around the world to learn, worship, connect and celebrate. This year the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA) will again be virtual as it was last year for the...
Happy Spring!
Happy Spring! I can’t remember a Spring that I have more welcomed. This Spring has called me out of the small world that I have lived within for this past year. As I have emerged, I am struck again by both my profound gratitude for how this Earth speaks to my spirit...
Report of Our Congregational Annual Meeting
Report of Our Congregational Annual Meeting By Stan Haavik, Trustee At-Large After the service on Sunday, April 11th, 130 church members attended our Congregational Annual Meeting. Rev. John opened the meeting with inspiring words and chalice lighting. Jane...
This Sunday! April 11 Congregational Meeting
Congregational Annual Meeting Via Zoom April 11, 2021, 11:10 am to 12:55 pm Pre-Register Here! Update of BEEC2 Phase 1 including construction progress and financing options: BBC Presentation Reports Proposed Bylaw Amendment Election of President, Vice...
Proposed Bylaw Amendment and Board of Trustees Statement
Proposed Bylaw Amendment Pat Fleeharty is proposing an amendment to the UUCA Bylaws, as part of Section E - of Bylaw V – Meetings: Any decision or transaction, duly approved by a majority vote, can only be overturned or significantly modified by a vote at a...
When Are We Having In-Person Services?
When Are We Having In-Person Services? The Re-Opening Team at UUCA has met once and will meet again in April to discuss when it will be safe to return to services on Sundays. We have four places of concern: faith formation for adults and kids, medical metrics, new...