Arts in the Woods on Covid Hiatus
Arts in the Woods on Covid Hiatus You may remember the pre-Covid years when Brian Ganz would treat us to a solo piano performance previewing his most recent edition of a multi-year project covering all of the works of Frédéric Chopin. For a decade these pre-Strathmore...
Save the Date and Time, February 21, After Hour
Save the Date and Time February 21, After Hour Heather Millar, President These continue to be exciting times in many ways at UUCA including our plans for our physical plant. Our Building Expansion Exploratory Committee (BEEC2) has done extensive planning and work for...
02/07/2021 Rev. John Sermon – Eschatological Exegesis
Rev. John Crestwell -- SERMON - Eschatological Exegesis --February 7, 2021 “The Answer Comes back to me in the end…” That’s what spirals do. They go around and around, and they come back to their source. When it comes to how you choose to live your life—you are...
8th Principle Accountability Checklist
8th Principle Accountability Checklist Heather Millar, President It is appropriate as we begin this new year to look forward and anticipate our future. Based on all of the wonderful things that have been happening at UUCA to make connections and offer opportunities to...
Looking Forward
Looking Forward Heather Millar I am thrilled to be starting this new year as an active member of UUCA. I am one of many who participate in numerous opportunities at UUCA to learn, grow, enjoy and serve. Each week I am lifted up during our worship services. The...
I Am Thankful For…
I Am Thankful For… Heather Millar, President It is appropriate at this time of the year to look back. As I do this, I am extremely thankful for many things; high on the list is lots of stuff related to UUCA. Our choir and all our music folks continue to...
Winter Solstice Spiral
Last night, I came to the church for a Winter Solstice Spiral. Betsy Campbell, part of our Faith Formation Staff here at UUCA, set up a beautiful scene for us. We began with time around the firepit, hearing the origins and purpose of the Winter Solstice Spiral. ...
When Will We Have Church In-Person Again?
When Will We Have Church In-Person Again? Good question... Like you, the ministers and staff miss seeing your lovely faces. It's been too long--nine months of waiting for a vaccine. 2020 can't end quick enough many say! However, the Food and Drug Administration's...
Congregational Meeting Report & Fabulous! Part II
Fabulous! Part II Heather Millar, President We experienced a highly successful Congregational Meeting on December 6th, thanks to the contributions of many. Gwen Schindler explained the details of the SAE Model that was introduced in our summer read of Subtle...
Congregational Meeting Report & Fabulous! Part I
Fabulous! Part I Heather Millar, President An amazing meeting! thanks to the efforts of many including the members who prepared for the meeting by attending or listening to a Congregational Conversation and reading the posted materials. We are extremely fortunate to...
Heretics Faith: Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation
Heretics Faith: Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation Rev. John T. Crestwell, Jr. December 4, 2020 I have chosen a vibe or vibration for this service that is contemplative. That was purposeful. I want to talk to you about prayer, meditation,...
Celebrating in the Stillness
Celebrating in the Stillness Throughout this fall, I have begun my Mondays and Thursdays with the stillness found within the spiritual direction circle I lead for the small handful of UUCA folks who decide to join. We begin by stilling our bodies and following our...
Congregational Meeting This Sunday
Congregational Meeting This Sunday, After The Service Heather Millar, President This is THE week! This Sunday, December 6th, is our Congregational Meeting that will begin shortly after the service using Zoom. Please complete and submit the Preregistration...
SERMON – Decolonizing Our Spirituality
Video to the sermon is available below the article on this page or you may click HERE. SERMON “Decolonizing our Spirituality” Sermon Notes: AWAKE!: Decolonizing our Spirituality (johncrestwell.blogspot.com) First, I want to begin by reframing the quote we just heard...
Congregational Conversation Sunday 11/29/2020
Congregational Conversation This Sunday, After Hour Heather Millar, President We all need to prepare for our December 6th Congregational Meeting that will begin shortly after the service using Zoom. To facilitate the start of the meeting, please complete and...