Celebrating in the Stillness

Celebrating in the Stillness Throughout this fall, I have begun my Mondays and Thursdays with the stillness found within the spiritual direction circle I lead for the small handful of UUCA folks who decide to join. We begin by stilling our bodies and following our...

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Congregational Meeting This Sunday

Congregational Meeting This Sunday, After The Service Heather Millar, President This is THE week! This Sunday, December 6th, is our Congregational Meeting that will begin shortly after the service using Zoom. Please complete and submit the Preregistration...

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SERMON – Decolonizing Our Spirituality

Video to the sermon is available below the article on this page or you may click HERE. SERMON “Decolonizing our Spirituality” Sermon Notes: AWAKE!: Decolonizing our Spirituality (johncrestwell.blogspot.com) First, I want to begin by reframing the quote we just heard...

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Congregational Conversation Sunday 11/29/2020

Congregational Conversation This Sunday, After Hour Heather Millar, President   We all need to prepare for our December 6th Congregational Meeting that will begin shortly after the service using Zoom. To facilitate the start of the meeting, please complete and...

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Exciting Times!

Exciting Times! Heather Millar, President   These are exciting times at UUCA! We may be physically separated, but we remain lovingly connected and involved. I plan to revisit Sunday’s service that touched my inner core. I will listen again to the conversation...

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A Message of Comfort and Hope

  A Message of Comfort and Hope Hello members and friends, We are at a pivotal point in the United States of America. The last election has been decided and enough of us chose to side with love and progress instead of fear and regress. However, the road remains...

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Standing Rock: A Veteran’s Day Reflection

  Standing Rock: A Veteran's Day Reflection   Nearly four years ago, I answered a call to serve as a chaplain to the Standing Rock community. This call was issued by the elders and leaders of Standing Rock for a specific reason: more than 4,000 U.S. military...

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10/29/2020 Rev AZ – Beyond the Vote is Hope

Beyond the Vote is Hope Reverend Anastassia Zinke, Minister   Dear UUCA, Your resilience has inspired me. Our country – its policies, leadership, and its people – have in turn disappointed and dismayed you. Yet, you have endured. Endured and applied yourself...

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10/22/2020 Rev John – GETTING TO KNOW YOU

GETTING TO KNOW YOU Rev. John Crestwell, Minister Thank you to UUA Regional Lead, Rev. Meghan Foley for her leadership facilitating a "getting to know you" session during Rev. AZ's "Start-up" this past weekend.  Both of us enjoyed sharing how our partnership is...

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Widening the Circle of Concern

Source: https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/cic/widening Download the PDF: DOWNLOAD (PDF, 228 PAGES)   Contents Copyright Copyright © 2020 by the Unitarian Universalist Association. All rights reserved. Preface At a gathering convened by UUA...

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UUCA and Black Lives Matter

WE SUPPORT OUR 8th PRINCIPLE AND BLM Long before recent events, thanks to Rusty Vaughn and Linda Mundy, and others, my church stepped out and proclaimed that we were a Black Lives Matter congregation (in 2015). Our sign was vandalized; it was a long saga of racism....

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Interim Minister’s Final Report

Dear Member and Friends of UUCA, It's hard to believe that almost 2 1/2 years have flown by and my time with UUCA is coming to a close.  My contract with you extends through July 31st; however, I'll be taking unused vacation and study leave time for most of July, so...

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Soul Matters Themes Banners

Soul Matters Themes Monthly Banners We would like to thank our volunteers who make our quilted monthly banners and honor them by posting each of their banners here. If there is not a soul matters theme for a specific month, we may upload a banner that reflects the...

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May 3rd 2020 Meeting Agenda

Published on 05/02/2020 Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis Congregational Meeting to Call Rev. Anastassia Zinke  May 3, 2020 Agenda From our Safe Congregation Covenant - We covenant to affirm and promote: Honesty and authenticity in our relationships; Words...

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