Reframing Our Principles – Part II!

Reframing Our Principles, Part II! By Heather Millar This is a timely topic. Opportunities to provide feedback on what the Article 2 Study Commission will present are scheduled starting on November 5 and extending through November 14. Article 2 of the Unitarian...

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Reframing Our Principles!

Reframing Our Principles! By Heather Millar This is a timely topic. Opportunities to provide feedback on what will be presented to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)  Board in January and the UUA General Assembly (GA) in June 2023 are scheduled to start on...

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Green Initiative Team Updates!

  Green Initiative Team Updates!     Dear UUCA members and friends, Here is a summary of the accomplishments made, ongoing efforts, opportunities, action items, and more. Please read this summary of where we are, and let Scott Eden know what you'd like...

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Offer Your Confessions Virtually

Dear Community, This Sunday, we will continue exploring the theme of "Pilgrimage" as we celebrate the Jewish High Holy days of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Why do we celebrate these days of awe? Every year, I appreciate...

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Our Afghan Refugee Family

    Our Afghan Refugee Family         Many of you have asked for an update on our (and the Annapolis Friends Meeting) refugee family. They have moved into a 3-bedroom apartment and we are currently paying for their rent and utilities. We...

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Thank You for Making Engage UUCA a Success!

        A HUGE Thank You - YOU made Engage UUCA! a success!!!   We had many people come and join us at the events. So many groups were represented, and new ones were created. Thank you to the staff, the leaders, participants, and attendees! From Laura Schrank I...

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UUCA Church Year Kick-Off

    UUCA Church Year Kick-Off       As summer is drawing to a close, UUCA is gearing up for another fantastic church year! Like the school year, our church year starts in September, so this is a great time to jump in and get involved. Save the...

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Thank You From Rev. John

    Thank You From Rev. John       Your warm welcome on August 7 as I returned from Sabbatical was affirming and meaningful.  My family and I thank you for the much-needed sabbatical.  As many of you heard in my sermon on August 14, I used my...

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SURJ Book Read

You are invited to join SURJ Annapolis & AACo - Surj3a (SURJ-Showing Up for Racial Justice) for a BOOK READ & DISCUSSION Series: Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla F. Saad. The first discussion on pgs...

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UU Wellspring Launches at UUCA

UU Wellspring Launches at UUCA Are you seeking personal and communal transformation? Join UU Wellspring by registering now.  What is UU Wellspring? It is a 10-month spiritual deepening course for Unitarian Universalists, that is currently being used by our sibling UUs...

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2022 GA Is Now Complete, BUT…

2022 GA Is Now Complete, BUT... By Heather Millar This is the first of several reports/reflections we will share following the General Assembly (GA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) just completed in Portland, Oregon, and virtually from June 22 to 26....

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Camp Beagle Needs DONATIONS

Camp Beagle Needs DONATIONS Our Middle School children will be making 50 Unpacked Lunches for The Lighthouse in Annapolis. If you can help with any amount of the following, we are appreciative: cases of individually bottled water to total 50 bottles (we have to submit...

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