The Sacredness of Life Outraged over Uvalde
The Sacredness of Life Outraged over Uvalde Beloveds, I know many of you have shed fierce tears like I did at the horrific shooting in Uvalde, Texas yesterday. When I think of those 19 children and two teachers in their last moments, and how this...
Shared Grief for the Shooting in Texas and Resources for Parents & Caregivers
Dear Parents and Caregivers, The shooting in Uvalde, Texas is another tragedy on top of far too many. Your UU church community holds space for your anger, fear, and grief. You are not alone. Resources for talking to your child(ren): How To Talk To Your Kids About...
UUA Board Statement Responding to 2022 Contested Elections
UUA Board Statement Responding to 2022 Contested Elections From the Unitarian Universalist Association (original posting): The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Board of Trustees supports and affirms this year’s nominees for the Board put...
UUA GA 2022 Article 2 Part II
UUA GA 2022 Article 2 Part II By Heather Millar Do You Know What Article 2 Is? This is important for all UUs and those interested in Unitarian Universalism to understand. Article 2 of the Unitarian Universalists Association (UUA) includes our Principles and Sources....
A Faithful Response to Buffalo
A Faithful Response to Buffalo by Anastassia Zinke, Minister Dear ones, The racist massacre in Buffalo hit us hard. We know the pain and trauma of having someone taken from us in an act of violence. We live with the fear and knowledge that both gun violence and...
UUA GA 2022 Article 2 Part I
UUA GA 2022 Article 2 Part I By Heather Millar Important gathering this coming Monday, May 23, at 8 PM Article 2 of the Unitarian Universalists Association (UUA) includes our Principles and Sources. By vote of the delegates at an earlier General Assembly (GA), Article...
UUA GA 2022
Ware Lecturer Dr. Ibram X. Kendi Ibram X. Kendi is the author of five straight #1 New York Times bestsellers, including How to Be an Antiracist and the Award-winning National Book Stamped From The Beginning: A Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America. Service...
Jillian Amodio is Resigning
Jillian Amodio is Resigning Dear High School Youth Community, Jillian Amodio is resigning from the position as UUCA's High School Youth Coordinator. She joined us at a tender time, February 2021, mid-pandemic when the church and youth were still meeting 100%...
A Faith Response to the Threat to Roe vs Wade
A Faith Response to the Threat to Roe vs Wade Dear Ones, Many of us experienced the leaked draft Supreme Court decision essentially voiding Roe vs. Wade as an earthquake. For many women, in particular, this was both a frightening omen of a more...
UUA General Assembly Announcement
All are encouraged to attend this year's Unitarian Universalist Association's (UUA's) General Assembly (GA). It is scheduled for both in-person and remote participation. This Sunday, May 15, Heather Millar will be in church and virtually during After Hour to talk...
Ibram X. Kendi at the UUA General Assembly
Ibram X. Kendi is the 2022 Ware Lecturer Photo credit: Stephen Voss “The opposite of 'racist' isn’t 'not racist.' It is 'antiracist.'” - Ibram X. Kendi Ibram X. Kendi is author of five straight #1 New York Times bestsellers, including How to Be an Antiracist and the...
UUCA’s Sabbatical Plans
UUCA's Sabbatical Plans Beloved Community, Rev. John will be on sabbatical from April 1 through June 30 and on study leave from July 1 through July 31. We are reaching the final stages of preparing to send Rev. John on his sabbatical leave with our blessings. We...
Easter and Earth
Easter and Earth Come Celebrate with Us April 17 Those new (and not-so-new) to Unitarian Universalism are sometimes surprised that it is one of the biggest Sundays of the year. More people come: young, old, and in-between. Some wear festive hats, floral prints,...
UUCA 8th Principle Implementation Committee
Introducing the UUCA 8th Principle Implementation Committee We are excited to share that the UUCA 8th Principle Implementation Committee composed of Angelique Berry, Latica Hicks, Olga Pabon, Soren Byrd, Jennifer Pollitt Hill, Candi Wanhatalo, Mike Wanhatalo, and...
See You Later
SERMON: SEE YA LATER Rev. John T. Crestwell, Jr. March 27, 2022 What is a sabbatical? It is an old word but comes from a wise tradition that universities and religious congregations still honor. Sabbath from the Hebrew Bible means rest. It is the day some Jewish...