Videos from the Woodside Gardens Pantry After Hour  

Video 1 The Journey (9:39 mins)
Video 2 Pantry Plans (18:39 mins)
Video 3 Dynamics in the Community (5:07 mins)
Video 4 How can we, UUCA, help? (4:26 mins)

Rita Dorsey, Resident Services Coordinator for Woodside Gardens and its Food Pantry, was invited to church this past Sunday to share her journey and vision. She was raised in the Woodside Gardens Community and returned as an adult choosing to give back and work to make Woodside Gardens a nurturing community.

UUCA provides requested food and toiletries items for the Woodside Garden Food Pantry on a weekly basis. Items are collected and placed in bins behind the Fahs House by 11:30 am Tuesday and then Rita or a volunteer from the Pantry will pick up the donated items for distribution on Wednesday or the following Monday.

Currently, there are five Small Groups at UUCA who have committed to provide requested items one week per month for either three or six months. Some groups even choose to continue to donate on a continuing basis and other groups may finish their commitment then step back and we seek another group to step up and adopt a specific week of the month.

Individuals and members of any of our many Small Groups who wish to be more involved on a regular basis should contact Don Patterson or Darrel Nash.

Some individuals have chosen to provide monetary support and this can be done by sending a check payable to: Newtowne CDC and mailed to: Rita Dorsey, 703 Newtowne Drive, Annapolis 21401. Write Woodside Gardens Pantry in the memo line.