What to Expect

What can I expect to experience on a Sunday morning?

Most of our Sunday services follow a typical format; here are some things you can expect to see most Sundays:

  • You’ll see a chalice lighting. This is the symbol of Unitarian Universalism. We often say it symbolizes the light of truth, the warmth of community and the fire of commitment.
  • You’ll hear music, and be invited to sing along. We have diverse musicians and spirited singing, and we welcome your voice, no matter how well you carry a tune! We also encourage clapping and dancing!
  • You’ll see our children. We welcome our children and youth as chalice-lighters and participants in other parts of the service. The “Wonder Box” message for all ages is a special time for the little ones in particular.
  • You’ll see candle-lighting. People light candles of joy, hope, or sadness. You’re encouraged to do so if you wish.
  • You’ll hear a sermon. Our sermons are life-affirming and challenging pulling from various religious and secular traditions.
  • You’ll see generosity in action. Our weekly collection invites generous giving to causes within and beyond the church community. We see giving as part of a spiritual practice.
  • You’ll feel an emphasis on connection. Our worship and “Middle/After Hour” encourages people of all ages to connect in learning and deepening their understanding of themselves, their community, and their world. Join us for Middle/After Hour for coffee, tea, or water.

Where do my children go?

Childcare is available starting fifteen minutes before the service for children ages 6 months to 3 years. Everyone else starts in the sanctuary. Youth ages 10+ attend the whole service, sitting with family or friends, or in the Peace Center at the front of the church. While children ages 10 and younger have the option to transition following the “Wonder Box” (our Time for All Ages). They may transition to the lower level for Cooperative Play or stay with the congregation. Our Faith Formation programs for all ages take place during Middle/After Hour, not during the worship service.

What should I wear?

Some come to church dressed in their Sunday best; others may wear anything from business casual to jeans and t-shirts. We want you to be comfortable and we’re more interested in your spirit than your outfit. Children should be dressed comfortably in clothes they can move in, and potentially get wet or dirty. They will be playing and doing crafts– dress them appropriately.

Should I bring a Bible?

Our worship serves may reference scripture from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament on occasion, but more often than not we will use readings from other sources.  Ours is not a tradition that requests you to follow along with text from the Bible.