Will You Celebrate with Us?

Throughout 2021, we have met many real and overwhelming challenges. Let’s consider that with awe.

Think of what we accomplished together in 2021. We maintained our virtual worship, while safely returning to in-person Sunday servicesYear End Appeal and Faith Formation classes. How wonderful to hear our choir,  our Worship Ensemble, and Sara Jones again, and enjoy the original compositions of Josh Long and Rob Redei. We welcomed new members and celebrated seeing distant members return to UUCA. More than 100 of us gathered monthly in small groups to share from our lives and to reflect on our monthly themes. Volunteers generously hosted coffee hour each week, so we could spend time in conversation again after over a year of being socially distant. We recognized ten Coming of Age youth and blessed six youth into adulthood, and supported each other through grief and loss. Our BEEC team’s efforts illustrated how construction, financial institutions, and service-related fields reflect systematic racism, and BEEC modeled our now regular use of minority contractors, including for the significant expansion of our narthex and entrance. Financial support for our operating budget continues to grow, supporting our model of having ministers of equal standing. We create so much together.

Will you celebrate how we have navigated this year by making an end-of-year gift so that we can keep our community strong and focused on our mission?

Choose the best way to give for you:

  • Donate now through this link or the above QR code.
  • Mail a check to the UUCA at 333 Dubois Rd, Annapolis, MD 21401. Please write “End-of-Year Appeal” on the memo line.
  • Contact Pam to transfer stock, direct a 401k distribution, or make another transferable gift.

Thank you for all that you do to make UUCA the best community we can be.