Worship Leaders

Worship Leaders are integral to the worship life of the congregation. Liturgy means “the people ‘s work” and it is the task of the worship leader to bring the voice of the congregation into the worship service.

Worship Leaders serve as liturgists of the congregation, working with the minister to help shape the word, song, mood, and theme of the service. They may write an original invocation, prayer or benediction.

They assist with all the technical “set up” of the service, from ensuring there the chalice is ready to be lit, to enough candles placed on the table, etc.

Sometimes, worship leaders may deliver a piece of the sermon; or, in the summer, they have the option of doing a sermon and a service by themselves.

Worship Leaders meet monthly for review of past services, to look ahead at future ones and to discuss monthly themes. Individual worship associates will meet with the minister in advance of the service to discuss his/her role in the service.

Are You Interested in Becoming a Worship Leader?

Every year, new Worship Leaders are welcomed to the Team. If you have been a member of UUCA for at least a year and would like to apply to serve as a Worship Leader, please complete the application on this page.

Why do I have to apply?  Can’t anyone become a Worship Leader?

Co-creating and leading worship is an important responsibility.  It is a powerful and important responsibility.  We are entrusted to hold members’ lives in sacred trust.  It’s also a demanding volunteer commitment, requiring significant time and energy.  The ministers want to be assured that members are aware of the commitment and the responsibility.  Questions? Speak to Rev. Anastassia Zinke or ask a member of the existing Worship Leader team.

Worship Leaders for 2022 are Jane Carrigan, Ken Apfel, Lisa Fleeharty, Mickey Goldberg, Robert Ertman, and Karen Murphy-Keddell.

Application to become a Worship Leader

(terms are one year – and one year renewable.)

Have you had any previous experience with worship leadership?

Attending all Worship Leaders meetings and trainings is expected (unless ill or out of town prevents you from doing so.) Are there any life circumstances that might prevent you from regular attendance at a monthly meeting s and additional trainings?

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