Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal faith. We come together to be in a relationship with each other putting to practice the creation of the beloved community. Small Group Ministry is how we live our UU values amongst our friends and family in our congregation.
Chalice Circles
A Chalice Circle consists of 5-12 people who meet once a month to discuss our monthly theme. They regularly share spiritual and personal experiences in an open and honest forum. Chalice Circles encourage people to talk, learn, listen, serve, play, and grow together over time. Click to learn how you can join a Chalice Circle!
Spiritual Practice Groups
These groups provide an opportunity to explore and engage with our own sense of spirituality. Our groups are inspired by the six sources of Unitarian Universalism [link to principles page). We have different groups for the Humanist, God-seeker, meditation, and more. Click to see a list of all our spiritual practice groups.
Affinity Groups
The church that plays together stays together, as the old adage says, so at UUCA we want to find ways we can enjoy all that life has to offer, while we continue to foster community. Here you can find groups who gather around a specific activity or interest. Click to learn more.
Justice Groups
Over the centuries, Unitarians, Universalists, and UU’s have been at the forefront of social change. Today, UUCA continues that legacy with a range of groups that focus on the most pressing injustices of our time. In step with our 8th principle of dismantling white supremacy and all forms of oppression, our justice groups come together to discuss, plan, and take action in order to build the beloved community we all seek to be a part of. Click and find out how you can serve UUCA and the world.
Want to Start a Group?
There are many ways to get involved at UUCA whether you are a first time visitor, friend, or longtime member. Small groups are the heart of a church community. Through discussion, spiritual practice, or sharing meals with one another, we can grow, comfort, and enjoy each other as we journey in life together. There are many groups that meet in and out of the church building, and we invite you to start your own group if you feel called to do so. If you don’t see a group that meets your needs, we encourage you to start one!
UUCA requires that each group have at least three church members who agree to take responsibility for the group, keeping the building safe, and communicating with staff. In order to find those people, you are permitted to hold up to three “interest sessions” before becoming a group. Contact the office at 410-266-8044 or info@uuannapolis.org to set up interest sessions.
After your three interest sessions, you can apply to become a group of the church. To complete the Application to Become a Group, click HERE. The staff will review your request, and approve it or request more information from you.